Phone: (040) 721 18 80


Zone 1: Zone 2:
Achterdeich Allermöhe, Reitbrook
Curslack Tatenberg
Neuengamme (west of Heinrich-Stubbe-Wegs) Neuengamme (east of Heinrich-Stubbe-Wegs)
Achterschlag Ochsenwerder, Fünfhausen, Zollenspieker
Kirchwerder und Altengamme
The AST Taxis wait on Bergedorf central bus station.


From Station Bergedorf: Departure-times daily:
Zone 1 and 2: 22.10 23.10 0.10 1.10 2.10
Sa./So. added.: 3.10 4.10 5.10
To Station Bergedorf: Departure-times daily:
Zone 1: 22.50 23.50 0.50
Zone 2: 22.40 23.40 0.40
Please order at least 1 hour before departure time of the VHH. Please
specify the departure time, departure, destination and number of people.


Zone 1: € 3,00
Zone 2: € 4,20
Children: € 1,40

Supplementary charge to a time ticket:

Zone 1: € 1,90
Zone 2: € 3,00
Children: € 1,40
Leaving the AST area will be charged. The usual Taxi fares will be applied.